Tuesday, September 22, 2009

forced marriage

every two weeks i'm going to try to do an editorial illustration based on an article of my choosing
. anyway my first assignment is an article about muslim school girls in France who are sent off over the summer and are forced into marriage. this is the article: New school year puts French on forced marriage alert

a couple sketches:

i ended up going with the second sketch, i liked the composition more. and then i did a more detailed sketch, and some digital experimentation which i think is kind of funny, not really my style...

and for the final i worked in layers which is a new way of working for me. not digital layers but velum layers, which was fun. first i did the drawing in pencil on velum, then i did two color layers with color pencil on velum, and layered them in photoshop...

i cropped the drawing a bit and the final is at the top...

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